Modifying Your Home
Bathroom Safety
The bathroom can be the most dangerous room in the home of an aging adult or differently-abled person. Are there non-slip surfaces? Enough clear floor space for aided mobility? Does your loved one use a cane or a walker? Is the bathroom a safe place for them when using their mobility equipment? Are the bathtub and shower controls reachable, easy to use and require little strength? Where are the grab bars in the bathroom? Are there grab bars near the toilet, shower and tub? Is a shower chair available and convenient? Is there ample space around the toilet?
Common Problems
- Narrow entry doors
- Lack of turning space
- Lack of maneuvering space to side of toilet
- Toilet location obstructs bathing fixture
- No knee space below sink
- No reinforcing in walls for grab bars
Bathroom Solutions:
- 5’ by 5’ clear floor space in the bathroom
- Non-slip flooring
- Bathroom size of at least 5’ by 8’
- Broadly applied bands of reinforcement inside walls around toilets and bath fixtures for installation of grab bars
- Textured grab bars by toilet, bathtub and shower
- Offset controls in shower/tub to minimize bending and reaching
- 48” by 56” toilet space with centerline of toilet 18” from side wall
- Shower bench
- Hand-held shower head
- Curbless shower, with non-slip surface and fold-down seat
- Doors that can be unlocked from the outside
- A bathroom telephone
- Rounded counter edges
- Barrier-free showers
- Walk-in tubs
Bathroom Assessment
Do you have trouble........ | Solutions to Consider |
Getting in and out of the bathtub? |
Sitting down and getting up from tub? |
Navigating the entry? With secure footing? |
Standing at the sink? |
Getting on and off the toilet? |
Replacing toilet tissue on the holder? |
Reaching and effectively using toilet tissue? |
Reaching and cleaning thoroughly? standing while showering? |
Accessing the shower? |
With dexterity limitations making grooming tasks difficult? |